STEM Education Creativity Center of Excellence

STEM education aims to form a society that have STEM Literate, human resources with 21st century competencies, to compete in workforces, to increase interest and attachment on STEM, and creating harmonious relations among STEM fields. Therefore, the university as the forerunner of the development of science and technology should take initiative to implement reforms in this field of education.


Our Activities

Weekly Activity

Every two weeks, we have an agenda called Young Scientist, Technician, Engineer, and Mathematician (YSTEM) Program. This hands-on activity is designed for primary school to high school students. We try to engage students to use math in real world, solving issue given, and making model of their solution using 4DFrame and even conduct their own research in lab facility.

Monthly Activity

This program is intended for practitioners who want to gain knowledge about the implementation of STEM education through training activities at the beginning of each month. This training is guided by lecturers who join the STEM Education Creativity Center team and lecturers from overseas universities who are conducting research collaborations. For example, Prof. Yoshisuke Kumano, Ph.D from Shizuoka University and Prof. Young Hoon Kim from Korean National University of Education (KNUE).

Teacher training

Annual Activity

Developing a competitive spirit in students so that the creativity possessed by students becomes honed. This annual activity consists of: STEM Camp, ISTEMCC, a national creativity competition, IMSCC (International Mathematical Science Creativity Competition) in Korea, and inviting international experts for brainstorming which will be inserted in the national seminar activities.


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